The dynamically developing project surroundings will provide future residents with easy access to numerous commercial, service and catering facilities. Just a few minutes’ walk from the project, there is a shopping and service facility with a supermarket, while a bit further the largest shopping center in the area is located.
The parents of children of all ages will be happy to take advantage of the rich educational offer of local nurseries, kindergartens and primary schools. The Marine School Complex is also located nearby.

From here it is close
to everywhere
270 m
450 m
600 m
żłobek i przedszkole
1 km
stacja SKM
1,3 km
shopping center
2,5 km

Easy access
in all directions
The location of the project provides easy access to the S6 route. It will allow residents to quickly leave the city ensuring a smooth journey, both towards the Hel Peninsula and the Tricity Ring Road.
There are numerous bus stops within a few minutes’ walk, while the SKM Reda train station is about 10 minutes away.
Trzy 55-metrowe wieże z tarasem widokowym na dachu (podniebne molo) zlokalizowane tuż obok AquaParku w Redzie.
Mieszkańcy Niebieskiego Bursztynu będą mieli stąd doskonały dojazd na Półwysep Helski, natomiast do Gdyni dojadą w kilkanaście minut samochodem lub popularną SKM-ką.
Niebieski Bursztyn to idealna baza wypadowa dla amatorów sportów wodnych i miłośników kąpieli słonecznych na szerokich plażach otwartego Bałtyku.

Active recreation
for everybody
The Niebieski Bursztyn project is a dream base for fans of active recreation.
The proximity of the Gdańsk Bay and green areas opens up many opportunities for spending leisure time outdoors. Water sports enthusiasts will enjoy the proximity of the Bay of Puck and the Hel Peninsula. Access to Rewa – a small seaside resort – takes less than 20 minutes by car, while its unique location provides perfect conditions for water sports, such as kitesurfing and windsurfing.
The numerous paths and routes available in the area are perfect for cycling trips.
ul. Obwodowa / Bosmańska
Sales Office in Gdynia
e-mail: [email protected]
Plac Kaszubski 7, lok. 2
81-350 Gdynia
Monday: 10.00-18.00
Tuesday - Friday: 8.00-16.00